SDK Manual

Architecture and APIs

All APIs cover the following functions:

  • Listing currently connected cameras

  • Controlling camera features

  • Receiving images from the camera

  • Notifications about camera connections or disconnections

The Image Transform Library converts camera images into other pixel formats and creates color images from raw images (debayering).

SDK architecture

SDK architecture

GenTL modules

Vimba X complies with the GenTL specification. It uses the following GenTL modules as Entities:

  • The VmbSystem module, which is a singleton and contains only few functions.

  • The TLSystem modules. Each TL is represented through a System and may enumerate multiple corresponding interfaces, such as several NICs.

  • The Interface modules. Each physical interface (for example, a NIC or a frame grabber) is represented through its own Interface module. Each Interface module enumerates the devices (cameras) that are connected to it.

  • The Device module. According to the GenTL specification, the physical camera is a Remote Device, whereas the TL generates a Local Device as soon as a camera is open. The Local Device is necessary only to configure features such as GVCPTimeout or GevHeartbeatTimeout for GigE Cameras.

  • The Stream module.

  • The Buffer module. Buffer-related features can be accessed through the Frame handle.

GenTL modules

GenTL modules


Within Vimba X, settings and options are controlled by features. Many features come from the camera, which provides a self-describing XML file. Vimba X can read and interpret the camera XML file. This means that Vimba X is immediately ready-to-use with all supported cameras. Even if the camera has a unique, vendor-specific feature, Vimba X does not need to be updated to use this feature because it gets all necessary information from the XML file. Other features are part of the Vimba X core and transport layers.

If these features are enabled for the TL, they are valid for all interfaces and cameras using this TL. If these features are enabled for the interface (such as a NIC), they are valid for all interfaces.

See also

For a quick start, use the ListFeatures example. More detailed information is provided in the API manuals.

Vimba X provides several feature types:

  • Integer

  • Float

  • Enum

  • String

  • Command

  • Boolean

  • Raw data

The features of Vimba X are based on the GenICam industry standard. Therefore, Vimba X enables using all supported cameras with GenICam-based third-party software.

TL activation and deactivation

The APIs use GenICam transport layer (GenTL) libraries to communicate with the cameras.

By default, each SDK initialization uses all transport layers that come with Vimba X, as applied in VmbC.xml. Their display name begins with “AVT” instead of “Vimba”. You can customize TL usage to activate additional TLs or ignore TLs that you don’t need.

If many TLs are installed, loading all of them takes some time.

To speed up the TL loading process or for a better overview, you can customize its behavior to use only:

  • All TLs located in a specific file path (applied by default, more than one file path is possible)

  • TLs of a specific vendor or specific vendors (VendorName)

  • One TL file or several TL files (path to the file or files)

  • A specific camera interface such as GigE Vision

Configuring TL usage


Your changes of VmbC.xml will be deleted during the Vimba X deinstallation. We recommend saving a copy with your changes.

With VmbC.xml, you can configure which TLs are used by Vimba X. The file is located in VimbaX/bin.

  • By default, the Vimba X installer automatically uses the required Cti paths of the Vimba X installation directory. Other TLs that are present on the system are ignored.

  • You can comment out the Cti paths and instead use vendor or interface types.

   <Path required="true">.</Path>

<TlVendor vendor-type="AVT" active="true"/>
<TlVendor vendor-type="NET" active="true"/>
<TlVendor vendor-type="Other" active="false"/>

<InterfaceType type="GEV" active="true"/>
<InterfaceType type="CL" active="false"/>


To configure Cti paths:

  • Use a specific path to a .cti file or a folder containing .cti files.

  • Relative paths are resolved from the location of the VmbC.xml file.

  • At least one .cti file must be provided to operate the API (or comment out the path and use, for example, the vendor name).

  • This information is ignored if at least one cti path or directory is passed as parameter to VmbStartup.

  • If there are no <Path> children of the element or the element is not present, the appropriate GenICam environment variable (GENICAM_GENTL64_PATH) is used.


  • false (default): Files that cannot be loaded or are missing files are ignored. If no TL can be loaded at all from any other source this still results in an error.

  • true: VmbStartup fails with error VmbErrorTLNotFound if the cti file cannot be loaded or no cti file in the given directory can be loaded.



  • Specifies TL vendors to include or exclude from loading. The provided value needs to exactly match the string returned by the TLs info command, except for short values such as AVT, NET and SVS for common vendors.

  • You can use “*” as match-all wildcard. Partial wildcard matching like “AV*” is not supported. Wildcard elements may be ignored if more specific elements exist.


  • true: Enables TLs of the matching vendor.

  • false: Disables TLs from this vendor.

The declaration of this active attribute is mandatory. If not provided, the TL loading fails. If no TlVendor element is provided, TLs from all vendors are loaded. A TL of a given vendor is used if there is an element <TlVendor> element marking the vendor of the TL as active. An element where vendor-type is not a wildcard overwrites an element specifying the vendor-type as wildcard.



  • Filters loaded TLs by interface type according to the GenTL standard.

  • Eligible values are: CL|CLHS|CXP|Custom|Ethernet|GEV|IIDC|PCI|U3V|UVC

  • You can use “*” as match-all wildcard. Partial wildcard matching like “Ether*” is not supported. Wildcard elements may be ignored if more specific elements exist.

  • Duplicates or any other value cause the loading to fail.


  • true: TLs for this interface type are loaded.

  • false: This interface type is not loaded. TLs that can only provide interfaces of a deactivated type are not used.

  • default: true. If not provided, TLs for all interface types are loaded, except for unknown type values. If no InterfaceType element is provided, TLs for all interfaces are loaded. Only interfaces with an <InterfaceType> element marking it as active are used. An element where the type is specified as non-wildcard takes precedence over a elements using a wildcard.


Both <TlVendor> and <InterfaceType> elements can result in a TL not being used by the API.

Overwriting VmbC.xml

During SDK initialization, the settings of VmbC.xml are applied. By default, the string for path configuration is NULL and all TLs activated in VmbC.xml are loaded.

To overwrite the TL path settings in VmbC.xml, pass a string to VmbStartup() with the path to the TL directory or file you want to load.

int main()
    VmbError_t          err = VmbErrorSuccess;

        const VmbFilePathChar_t* usbTLFilePath = L"<path to VimbaUSBTL.cti>";
        const VmbFilePathChar_t* gigeTLDirectoryPath = L"<path to TL directory>";
        const VmbFilePathChar_t* multiplePaths = L"<path 1>";"<path 2>";

        err = VmbStartup(usbTLFilePath)

Synchronous and asynchronous image acquisition

This chapter explains the principles of synchronous and asynchronous image acquisition. For details, please read the API manual. Note that the API provides ready-made convenience functions for standard applications. These functions perform several procedures in just one step. However, for complex applications with special requirements, manual programming as described here is still required.

See also

For a quick start, see the AsynchronousGrab example.

Buffer management

Every image acquisition requires allocating memory and handling frame buffers. The following interaction between the user and the Vimba API is required:


C and C++ API: Stream features may contain additional payloadsize information. For proper handling, use the convenience function VmbPayloadSizeGet().


  1. Allocate memory for the frame buffers on the host PC.

  2. Announce the buffer (this hands the frame buffer over to the API).

  3. Queue a frame (prepare buffer to be filled).


  1. Vimba X fills the buffer with an image from the camera.

  2. Vimba X returns the filled buffer (and hands it over to the user).


  1. Work with the image.

  2. Requeue the frame to hand it over to the API.

Synchronous image acquisition

Synchronous image acquisition is simple, but does not allow reaching high frame rates. Its principle is to handle only one frame buffer and the corresponding image at a time, which is comparable to juggling with one ball.

Asynchronous image acquisition

Asynchronous image acquisition is comparable to juggling with several balls: While you work with an image, the next image is being acquired. Simplified said: the more images within a given time you want to work with, the more buffers you have to handle.

Synchronous and Asynchronous image acquisition

Synchronous and Asynchronous image acquisition


In general, a vision system consisting of cameras and PCs is asynchronous, which means that certain events usually occur unexpectedly. This includes - among others - the detection of cameras connected to the PC or the reception of images. A Vimba X application can react on a particular event by registering a corresponding handler function at the API, which in return will be called when the event occurs. The exact method how to register an event handler depends on the programming language. For details, use the code examples.


The registered functions are usually called from a different thread than the application. So extra care must be taken when accessing data shared between these threads (multithreading environment). Furthermore, the API might be blocked while the event handler is executed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to exit the event handler function as fast as possible.


Not all API functions may be called from the event handler function. For more details, see the API Manual.

Building applications

Setting up Visual Studio for C and C++ projects

The easiest way to set up Visual Studio for C or C++ projects is using the property sheet VmbCPP.props from the Vimba X examples folder. The following description uses C++, but the principle can be applied to the C API as well. Users of the other APIs can use Visual Studio without any special preparations.

  1. In Visual Studio, create a new project. Ignore the Application Wizard, just click Finish. Set the Solution Platform to x64.

  2. Insert this code into YourProjectName.cpp:

#include <iostream>

#include "VmbCPP/VmbCPP.h"

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello Vimba X" << std::endl;
    VmbCPP::VmbSystem& sys = VmbCPP::VmbSystem::GetInstance();
    VmbVersionInfo_t version;
    if (VmbErrorSuccess == sys.QueryVersion(version ))
    std::cout << "Version:" << version.major << "." << version.minor << std::endl;
    getchar ();
    return 0;
  1. Open the Property Manager window. In most Visual Studio editions, you can find it by clicking View → Other Windows → Property Manager.

Property manager icon
  1. In the Property Manager window, click the Add Existing Property Sheet icon:

  2. Go to the VmbCPP Examples folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Allied Vision\VimbaX\Examples\VmbCPP. The VmbCPP.props file is located in the folder Common\build_vs.

Now Visual Studio is set up and you can debug the solution.

Using CMake

You can also build the C and C++ examples with CMake. We recommend using CMake v3.16 or higher. As CMake generators, we have tested Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2019, and Make.

# Windows, default generator: Visual Studio
cmake -A x64 -S "C:/Users/Public/Documents/Allied Vision/VimbaX/Examples/VmbC" -
B VmbC_examples_build
cmake -A x64 -S "C:/Users/Public/Documents/Allied Vision/VimbaX/Examples/VmbCPP" -
B VmbCPP_examples_build

cmake --build VmbC_examples_build --config Release
cmake --build VmbCPP_examples_build --config Release
# Unix Makefiles
# Here, Vimba X is installed in the user's home directory and
# version is 2022-1
api_dir=$(realpath ~/VimbaX_2022-1/api)

cmake -S "${api-dir}/examples/VmbC" -B VmbC_examples_build
cmake -S "${api-dir}/examples/VmbCPP" -B VmbCPP_examples_build

cmake --build VmbC_examples_build
cmake --build VmbCPP_examples_build