VmbC C API Function Reference



VmbStartup() VmbShutdown()



VmbCamerasList() VmbCameraInfoQuery() VmbCameraOpen() VmbCameraClose()

VmbFeaturesList() VmbFeatureInfoQuery() VmbFeatureAccessQuery() VmbFeatureListSelected()

VmbFeatureIntGet() VmbFeatureIntSet() VmbFeatureIntRangeQuery() VmbFeatureIntIncrementQuery() VmbFeatureIntValidValueSetQuery()

VmbFeatureFloatGet() VmbFeatureFloatSet() VmbFeatureFloatRangeQuery()

VmbFeatureEnumGet() VmbFeatureEnumSet() VmbFeatureEnumRangeQuery() VmbFeatureEnumIsAvailable() VmbFeatureEnumAsInt() VmbFeatureEnumAsString() VmbFeatureEnumEntryGet()

VmbFeatureStringGet() VmbFeatureStringSet() VmbFeatureStringMaxlengthQuery()

VmbFeatureBoolGet() VmbFeatureBoolSet()

VmbFeatureCommandRun() VmbFeatureCommandIsDone()

VmbFeatureRawGet() VmbFeatureRawSet() VmbFeatureRawLengthQuery()

VmbFeatureInvalidationRegister() VmbFeatureInvalidationUnregister()

VmbFrameAnnounce() VmbFrameRevoke() VmbFrameRevokeAll() VmbCaptureStart() VmbCaptureEnd() VmbCaptureFrameQueue() VmbCaptureFrameWait() VmbCaptureQueueFlush()

VmbMemoryRead() VmbMemoryWrite() VmbRegistersRead() VmbRegistersWrite()

VmbCameraSettingsSave() VmbCameraSettingsLoad()


API Version

struct VmbVersionInfo

Version information.


VmbUint32_t major

Major version number.

VmbUint32_t minor

Minor version number.

VmbUint32_t patch

Patch version number.

typedef struct VmbVersionInfo VmbVersionInfo_t
IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbVersionQuery (VmbVersionInfo_t *versionInfo, VmbUint32_t sizeofVersionInfo)

Retrieve the version number of VmbC.

This function can be called at anytime, even before the API is initialized. All other version numbers may be queried via feature access.

  • versionInfo[out] Pointer to the struct where version information resides

  • sizeofVersionInfo[in] Size of structure in bytes

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback.

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size is not valid for this version of the API

  • VmbErrorBadParameterversionInfo is null.


An error code indicating success or the type of error.

API Initialization

struct VmbCameraInfo

Camera information.

Holds read-only information about a camera.


const char *cameraIdString

Identifier of the camera.

const char *cameraIdExtended

globally unique identifier for the camera

const char *cameraName

The display name of the camera.

const char *modelName

Model name.

const char *serialString

Serial number.

VmbHandle_t transportLayerHandle

Handle of the related transport layer for feature access.

VmbHandle_t interfaceHandle

Handle of the related interface for feature access.

VmbHandle_t localDeviceHandle

Handle of the related GenTL local device. NULL if the camera is not opened.

VmbHandle_t const *streamHandles

Handles of the streams provided by the camera. NULL if the camera is not opened.

VmbUint32_t streamCount

Number of stream handles in the streamHandles array.

VmbAccessMode_t permittedAccess

Permitted access modes, see VmbAccessModeType.

typedef struct VmbCameraInfo VmbCameraInfo_t
IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbStartup (const VmbFilePathChar_t *pathConfiguration)

Initializes the VmbC API.

Note: This function must be called before any VmbC function other than VmbVersionQuery() is run.

  • pathConfiguration[in] A string containing a semicolon (Windows) or colon (other os) separated list of paths. The paths contain directories to search for .cti files, paths to .cti files and optionally the path to a configuration xml file. If null is passed, the .cti files from the default configuration xml file are considered. If no paths are configured in the xml file, the paths from the GENICAM_GENTL{32|64}_PATH environment variable are considered. In addition to that, .cti files located next to the VmbC library are considered.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful.

  • VmbErrorAlready – This function was called before and no VmbShutdown call has completed on a non-callback thread after this VmbStartup call.

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a callback or VmbShutdown is currently running or the function is called from a Vmb callback.

  • VmbErrorBadParameterpathConfiguration contains only separator and whitespace chars.

  • VmbErrorXml – If parsing the settings xml is unsuccessful; a missing default xml file does not result in this error.

  • VmbErrorTLNotFound – A transport layer that was marked as required was not found.

  • VmbErrorNoTL – No transport layer was found on the system; note that some of the transport layers may have been filtered out via the settings file.

  • VmbErrorIO – A log file should be written according to the settings xml file, but this log file could not be opened.


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC void VMB_CALL VmbShutdown (void)

Perform a shutdown of the API.

This frees some resources and deallocates all physical resources if applicable.

The call is silently ignored, if executed from a callback.

Transport Layer Enumeration & Information

struct VmbTransportLayerInfo

Transport layer information.

Holds read-only information about a transport layer.


const char *transportLayerIdString

Unique id of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerName

Name of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerModelName

Model name of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerVendor

Vendor of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerVersion

Version of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerPath

Full path of the transport layer.

VmbHandle_t transportLayerHandle

Handle of the transport layer for feature access.

VmbTransportLayerType_t transportLayerType

The type of the transport layer.

typedef struct VmbTransportLayerInfo VmbTransportLayerInfo_t
IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbTransportLayersList (VmbTransportLayerInfo_t *transportLayerInfo, VmbUint32_t listLength, VmbUint32_t *numFound, VmbUint32_t sizeofTransportLayerInfo)

List all the transport layers that are used by the API.

Note: This function is usually called twice: once with an empty array to query the length of the list, and then again with an array of the correct length.

  • transportLayerInfo[inout] Array of VmbTransportLayerInfo_t, allocated by the caller. The transport layer list is copied here. May be null.

  • listLength[in] Number of entries in the caller’s transportLayerInfo array.

  • numFound[inout] Number of transport layers found. May be more than listLength.

  • sizeofTransportLayerInfo[in] Size of one VmbTransportLayerInfo_t entry (ignored if transportLayerInfo is null).

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInternalFault – An internal fault occurred

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – One of the transport layers does not provide the required information

  • VmbErrorBadParameternumFound is null

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size is not valid for this API version

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The given list length was insufficient to hold all available entries


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Interface Enumeration & Information

struct VmbInterfaceInfo

Interface information.

Holds read-only information about an interface.


const char *interfaceIdString

Identifier of the interface.

const char *interfaceName

Interface name, given by the transport layer.

VmbHandle_t interfaceHandle

Handle of the interface for feature access.

VmbHandle_t transportLayerHandle

Handle of the related transport layer for feature access.

VmbTransportLayerType_t interfaceType

The technology of the interface.

typedef struct VmbInterfaceInfo VmbInterfaceInfo_t
IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbInterfacesList (VmbInterfaceInfo_t *interfaceInfo, VmbUint32_t listLength, VmbUint32_t *numFound, VmbUint32_t sizeofInterfaceInfo)

List all the interfaces that are currently visible to the API.

Note: All the interfaces known via GenICam transport layers are listed by this command and filled into the provided array. Interfaces may correspond to adapter cards or frame grabber cards. This function is usually called twice: once with an empty array to query the length of the list, and then again with an array of the correct length.

  • interfaceInfo[inout] Array of VmbInterfaceInfo_t, allocated by the caller. The interface list is copied here. May be null.

  • listLength[in] Number of entries in the callers interfaceInfo array

  • numFound[inout] Number of interfaces found. Can be more than listLength

  • sizeofInterfaceInfo[in] Size of one VmbInterfaceInfo_t entry

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameternumFound is null

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size is not valid for this API version

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The given list length was insufficient to hold all available entries


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Camera Enumeration & Information

struct VmbCameraInfo

Camera information.

Holds read-only information about a camera.


const char *cameraIdString

Identifier of the camera.

const char *cameraIdExtended

globally unique identifier for the camera

const char *cameraName

The display name of the camera.

const char *modelName

Model name.

const char *serialString

Serial number.

VmbHandle_t transportLayerHandle

Handle of the related transport layer for feature access.

VmbHandle_t interfaceHandle

Handle of the related interface for feature access.

VmbHandle_t localDeviceHandle

Handle of the related GenTL local device. NULL if the camera is not opened.

VmbHandle_t const *streamHandles

Handles of the streams provided by the camera. NULL if the camera is not opened.

VmbUint32_t streamCount

Number of stream handles in the streamHandles array.

VmbAccessMode_t permittedAccess

Permitted access modes, see VmbAccessModeType.

typedef struct VmbCameraInfo VmbCameraInfo_t
IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCamerasList (VmbCameraInfo_t *cameraInfo, VmbUint32_t listLength, VmbUint32_t *numFound, VmbUint32_t sizeofCameraInfo)

List all the cameras that are currently visible to the API.

Note: This function is usually called twice: once with an empty array to query the length of the list, and then again with an array of the correct length. If camera lists change between the calls, numFound may deviate from the query return.

  • cameraInfo[inout] Array of VmbCameraInfo_t, allocated by the caller. The camera list is copied here. May be null.

  • listLength[in] Number of entries in the callers cameraInfo array.

  • numFound[inout] Number of cameras found. Can be more than listLength.

  • sizeofCameraInfo[in] Size of one VmbCameraInfo_t entry (if cameraInfo is null, this parameter is ignored).

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameternumFound is null

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size is not valid for this API version and cameraInfo is not null

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The given list length was insufficient to hold all available entries


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCameraInfoQueryByHandle (VmbHandle_t cameraHandle, VmbCameraInfo_t *info, VmbUint32_t sizeofCameraInfo)

Retrieve information about a single camera given its handle.

Note: Some information is only filled for opened cameras.

  • cameraHandle[in] The handle of the camera; both remote and local device handles are permitted

  • info[inout] Structure where information will be copied

  • sizeofCameraInfo[in] Size of the structure

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size is not valid for this API version

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameterinfo is null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The handle does not correspond to a camera


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCameraInfoQuery (const char *idString, VmbCameraInfo_t *info, VmbUint32_t sizeofCameraInfo)

Retrieve information about a single camera given the ID of the camera.

Note: Some information is only filled for opened cameras.

  • idString[in] ID of the camera

  • info[inout] Structure where information will be copied

  • sizeofCameraInfo[in] Size of the structure

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameteridString or info are null or idString is the empty string

  • VmbErrorNotFound – No camera with the given id is found

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size is not valid for this API version


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCameraOpen (const char *idString, VmbAccessMode_t accessMode, VmbHandle_t *cameraHandle)

Open the specified camera.

A camera may be opened in a specific access mode, which determines the level of control you have on a camera. Examples for idString:

“DEV_81237473991” for an ID given by a transport layer, “” for an IP address, “000F314C4BE5” for a MAC address or “DEV_1234567890” for an ID as reported by Vmb

  • idString[in] ID of the camera.

  • accessMode[in] The desired access mode.

  • cameraHandle[out] The remote device handle of the camera, if opened successfully.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInUse – The camera with the given ID is already opened

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from frame callback or chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If idString or cameraHandle are null

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – A camera with the given id was found, but could not be opened

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The designated camera cannot be found


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCameraClose (const VmbHandle_t cameraHandle)

Close the specified camera.

Depending on the access mode this camera was opened with, events are killed, callbacks are unregistered, and camera control is released.

  • cameraHandle[in] A valid camera handle

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInUse – The camera is currently in use with VmbChunkDataAccess

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The handle does not correspond to an open camera

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from frame callback or chunk access callback


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

General Feature Functions

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeaturesList (VmbHandle_t handle, VmbFeatureInfo_t *featureInfoList, VmbUint32_t listLength, VmbUint32_t *numFound, VmbUint32_t sizeofFeatureInfo)

List all the features for this entity.

This function lists all implemented features, whether they are currently available or not. The list of features does not change as long as the entity is connected.

This function is usually called twice: once with an empty list to query the length of the list, and then again with a list of the correct length.

If VmbErrorMoreData is returned and numFound is non-null, the total number of features has been written to numFound.

If there are more elements in featureInfoList than features available, the remaining elements are filled with zero-initialized VmbFeatureInfo_t structs.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • featureInfoList[out] An array of VmbFeatureInfo_t to be filled by the API. May be null if numFund is used for size query.

  • listLength[in] Number of VmbFeatureInfo_t elements provided

  • numFound[out] Number of VmbFeatureInfo_t elements found. May be null if featureInfoList is not null.

  • sizeofFeatureInfo[in] Size of a VmbFeatureInfo_t entry

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size of VmbFeatureInfo_t is not valid for this version of the API

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – Both featureInfoList and numFound are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The given list length was insufficient to hold all available entries


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureInfoQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbFeatureInfo_t *featureInfo, VmbUint32_t sizeofFeatureInfo)

Query information about the constant properties of a feature.

Users provide a pointer to VmbFeatureInfo_t, which is then set to the internal representation. In case that some of the optional feature meta data is not available, the API will set the corresponding struct member to an empty string or a default value.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • featureInfo[out] The feature info to query

  • sizeofFeatureInfo[in] Size of the structure

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size of VmbFeatureInfo_t is not valid for this version of the API

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or featureInfo are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – A feature with the given name does not exist.

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureListSelected (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbFeatureInfo_t *featureInfoList, VmbUint32_t listLength, VmbUint32_t *numFound, VmbUint32_t sizeofFeatureInfo)

List all the features selected by a given feature for this module.

This function lists all selected features, whether they are currently available or not. Features with selected features (“selectors”) have no direct impact on the camera, but only influence the register address that selected features point to. The list of features does not change while the camera/interface is connected. This function is usually called twice: once with an empty array to query the length of the list, and then again with an array of the correct length.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • featureInfoList[out] An array of VmbFeatureInfo_t to be filled by the API. May be null if numFound is used for size query.

  • listLength[in] Number of VmbFeatureInfo_t elements provided

  • numFound[out] Number of VmbFeatureInfo_t elements found. May be null if featureInfoList is not null.

  • sizeofFeatureInfo[in] Size of a VmbFeatureInfo_t entry

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null or both featureInfoList and numFound are null

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size of VmbFeatureInfo_t is not valid for this version of the API

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The given list length was insufficient to hold all available entries


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureAccessQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbBool_t *isReadable, VmbBool_t *isWriteable)

Return the dynamic read and write capabilities of this feature.

The access mode of a feature may change. For example, if “PacketSize” is locked while image data is streamed, it is only readable.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features.

  • name[in] Name of the feature.

  • isReadable[out] Indicates if this feature is readable. May be null.

  • isWriteable[out] Indicates if this feature is writable. May be null.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null or both isReadable and isWriteable are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Integer Feature Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureIntGet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbInt64_t *value)

Get the value of an integer feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[out] Value to get

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or value are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Integer

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureIntSet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbInt64_t value)

Set the value of an integer feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[in] Value to set

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from feature callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name is null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Integer

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – The feature is unavailable or not writable

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently

  • VmbErrorInvalidValue – If value is either out of bounds or not an increment of the minimum


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureIntRangeQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbInt64_t *min, VmbInt64_t *max)

Query the range of an integer feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • min[out] Minimum value to be returned. May be null.

  • max[out] Maximum value to be returned. May be null.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name is null or both min and max are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Integer

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – The range information is unavailable or not writable


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureIntIncrementQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbInt64_t *value)

Query the increment of an integer feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[out] Value of the increment to get.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name or value are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Integer

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – The information is unavailable or cannot be read


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureIntValidValueSetQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbInt64_t *buffer, VmbUint32_t bufferSize, VmbUint32_t *setSize)

Retrieves info about the valid value set of an integer feature.

Retrieves information about the set of valid values of an integer feature. If null is passed as buffer, only the size of the set is determined and written to bufferFilledCount; Otherwise the largest possible number of elements of the valid value set is copied to buffer.

  • handle[in] The handle for the entity the feature information is retrieved from

  • name[in] The name of the feature to retrieve the info for; if null is passed VmbErrorBadParameter is returned

  • buffer[in] The array to copy the valid values to or null if only the size of the set is requested

  • bufferSize[in] The size of buffer; if buffer is null, the value is ignored

  • setSize[out] The total number of elements in the set; the value is set, if VmbErrorMoreData is returned

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null or both buffer and bufferFilledCount are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of the feature is not Integer

  • VmbErrorValidValueSetNotPresent – The feature does not provide a valid value set

  • VmbErrorMoreData – Some of data was retrieved successfully, but the size of buffer is insufficient to store all elements

  • VmbErrorIncomplete – The module the handle refers to is in a state where it cannot complete the request

  • VmbErrorOther – Some other issue occurred


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Float Feature Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureFloatGet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, double *value)

Get the value of a float feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[out] Value to get

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or value are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Float

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureFloatSet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, double value)

Set the value of a float feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[in] Value to set

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from feature callback

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Float

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently

  • VmbErrorInvalidValue – If value is not within valid bounds


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureFloatRangeQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, double *min, double *max)

Query the range of a float feature.

Only one of the values may be queried if the other parameter is set to null, but if both parameters are null, an error is returned.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • min[out] Minimum value to be returned. May be null.

  • max[out] Maximum value to be returned. May be null.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null or both min and max are null

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Float


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureFloatIncrementQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbBool_t *hasIncrement, double *value)

Query the increment of a float feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • hasIncrement[out] true if this float feature has an increment.

  • value[out] Value of the increment to get.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null or both value and hasIncrement are null

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Float


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Bool Feature Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureBoolGet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbBool_t *value)

Get the value of a boolean feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the boolean feature

  • value[out] Value to be read

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or value are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – If feature is not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Boolean

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureBoolSet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbBool_t value)

Set the value of a boolean feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the boolean feature

  • value[in] Value to write

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – If the feature is not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Boolean

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently

  • VmbErrorInvalidValue – If value is not within valid bounds

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from feature callback


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Enum Feature Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureEnumGet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, const char **value)

Get the value of an enumeration feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[out] The current enumeration value. The returned value is a reference to the API value

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or value are null

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature featureName is not Enumeration

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature is not available

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureEnumSet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, const char *value)

Set the value of an enumeration feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[in] Value to set

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from feature callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name or value are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Enumeration

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature is not available

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorInvalidValuevalue is not a enum entry for the feature or the existing enum entry is currently not available


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureEnumRangeQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, const char **nameArray, VmbUint32_t arrayLength, VmbUint32_t *numFound)

Query the value range of an enumeration feature.

All elements not filled with the names of enum entries by the function are set to null.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • nameArray[out] An array of enumeration value names; may be null if numFound is used for size query

  • arrayLength[in] Number of elements in the array

  • numFound[out] Number of elements found; may be null if nameArray is not null

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null or both nameArray and numFound are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature name is not implemented

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Enumeration

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The given array length was insufficient to hold all available entries


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureEnumIsAvailable (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, const char *value, VmbBool_t *isAvailable)

Check if a certain value of an enumeration is available.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[in] Value to check

  • isAvailable[out] Indicates if the given enumeration value is available

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername, value or isAvailable are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Enumeration

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature name is not implemented

  • VmbErrorInvalidValue – There is no enum entry with string representation of value for the given enum feature

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureEnumAsInt (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, const char *value, VmbInt64_t *intVal)

Get the integer value for a given enumeration string value.

Converts a name of an enum member into an int value (“Mono12Packed” to 0x10C0006)

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • value[in] The enumeration value to get the integer value for

  • intVal[out] The integer value for this enumeration entry

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name, value or intVal are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – No feature with the given name was found

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature name is not implemented

  • VmbErrorInvalidValuevalue is not the name of a enum entry for the feature

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Enumeration


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureEnumAsString (VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbInt64_t intValue, const char **stringValue)

Get the enumeration string value for a given integer value.

Converts an int value to a name of an enum member (e.g. 0x10C0006 to “Mono12Packed”)

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the feature

  • intValue[in] The numeric value

  • stringValue[out] The string value for the numeric value

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or stringValue are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – No feature with the given name was found

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – No feature name is not implemented

  • VmbErrorInvalidValueintValue is not the int value of an enum entry

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Enumeration


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureEnumEntryGet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *featureName, const char *entryName, VmbFeatureEnumEntry_t *featureEnumEntry, VmbUint32_t sizeofFeatureEnumEntry)

Get infos about an entry of an enumeration feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • featureName[in] Name of the feature

  • entryName[in] Name of the enum entry of that feature

  • featureEnumEntry[out] Infos about that entry returned by the API

  • sizeofFeatureEnumEntry[in] Size of the structure

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorStructSize – Size of VmbFeatureEnumEntry_t is not compatible with the API version

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameterfeatureName, entryName or featureEnumEntry are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature name is not implemented

  • VmbErrorInvalidValue – There is no enum entry with a string representation of entryName

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature featureName is not Enumeration


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

struct VmbFeatureEnumEntry

Info about possible entries of an enumeration feature.


const char *name

Name used in the API.

const char *displayName

Enumeration entry name to be used in GUIs.

const char *tooltip

Short description, e.g. for a tooltip.

const char *description

Longer description.

VmbInt64_t intValue

Integer value of this enumeration entry.

const char *sfncNamespace

Namespace this feature resides in.

VmbFeatureVisibility_t visibility

GUI visibility.

typedef struct VmbFeatureEnumEntry VmbFeatureEnumEntry_t

String Feature Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureStringGet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, char *buffer, VmbUint32_t bufferSize, VmbUint32_t *sizeFilled)

Get the value of a string feature.

This function is usually called twice: once with an empty buffer to query the length of the string, and then again with a buffer of the correct length.

The value written to sizeFilled includes the terminating 0 character of the string.

If a buffer is provided and there its insufficient to hold all the data, the longest possible prefix fitting the buffer is copied to buffer; the last element of buffer is set to 0 case.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the string feature

  • buffer[out] String buffer to fill. May be null if sizeFilled is used for size query.

  • bufferSize[in] Size of the input buffer

  • sizeFilled[out] Size actually filled. May be null if buffer is not null.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null, both buffer and sizeFilled are null or buffer is non-null and bufferSize is 0

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not String

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The given buffer size was too small


An error code indicating the type of error, if any.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureStringSet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, const char *value)

Set the value of a string feature.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the string feature

  • value[in] Value to set

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from feature callback

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or value are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not String

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorInvalidValue – If length of value exceeded the maximum length

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureStringMaxlengthQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbUint32_t *maxLength)

Get the maximum length of a string feature.

The length reported does not include the terminating 0 char.

Note: For some features the maximum size is not fixed and may change.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the string feature

  • maxLength[out] Maximum length of this string feature

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or maxLength are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not String

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Command Feature Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureCommandRun (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name)

Run a feature command.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the command feature

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a feature callback or chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername is null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – Feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Command

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureCommandIsDone (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbBool_t *isDone)

Check if a feature command is done.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the command feature

  • isDone[out] State of the command.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name or isDone are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – Feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Command

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Raw Feature Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureRawGet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, char *buffer, VmbUint32_t bufferSize, VmbUint32_t *sizeFilled)

Read the memory contents of an area given by a feature name.

This feature type corresponds to a top-level “Register” feature in GenICam. Data transfer is split up by the transport layer if the feature length is too large. You can get the size of the memory area addressed by the feature name by VmbFeatureRawLengthQuery().

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the raw feature

  • buffer[out] Buffer to fill

  • bufferSize[in] Size of the buffer to be filled

  • sizeFilled[out] Number of bytes actually filled

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParametername, buffer or sizeFilled are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – Feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Register

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureRawSet (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, const char *buffer, VmbUint32_t bufferSize)

Write to a memory area given by a feature name.

This feature type corresponds to a first-level “Register” node in the XML file. Data transfer is split up by the transport layer if the feature length is too large. You can get the size of the memory area addressed by the feature name by VmbFeatureRawLengthQuery().

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the raw feature

  • buffer[in] Data buffer to use

  • bufferSize[in] Size of the buffer

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from feature callback or a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParametername or buffer are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – Feature was not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Register

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureRawLengthQuery (const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbUint32_t *length)

Get the length of a raw feature for memory transfers.

This feature type corresponds to a first-level “Register” node in the XML file.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

  • name[in] Name of the raw feature

  • length[out] Length of the raw feature area (in bytes)

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name or length are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – Feature not found

  • VmbErrorWrongType – The type of feature name is not Register

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature isn’t implemented

  • VmbErrorNotAvailable – The feature isn’t available currently


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Chunk Data Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbChunkDataAccess (const VmbFrame_t *frame, VmbChunkAccessCallback chunkAccessCallback, void *userContext)

Access chunk data for a frame.

This function can only succeed if the given frame has been filled by the API.

  • frame[in] A pointer to a filled frame that is announced

  • chunkAccessCallback[in] A callback to access the chunk data from

  • userContext[in] A pointer to pass to the callback

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback or a feature callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadParameterframe or chunkAccessCallback are null

  • VmbErrorInUse – The frame state does not allow for retrieval of chunk data (e.g. the frame could have been reenqueued before the chunk access could happen).

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The frame is currently not announced for a stream

  • VmbErrorDeviceNotOpen – If the device the frame was received from is no longer open

  • VmbErrorNoChunkDataframe does not contain chunk data

  • VmbErrorParsingChunkData – The chunk data does not adhere to the expected format

  • VmbErrorUserCallbackException – The callback threw an exception

  • VmbErrorFeaturesUnavailable – The feature description for the remote device is unavailable

  • VmbErrorCustom – The minimum a user defined error code returned by the callback


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

VmbError_t(VMB_CALL * VmbChunkAccessCallback )(VmbHandle_t featureAccessHandle, void *userContext)

Function pointer type to access chunk data.

This function should complete as quickly as possible, since it blocks other updates on the remote device.

This function should not throw exceptions, even if VmbC is used from C++. Any exception thrown will only result in an error code indicating that an exception was thrown.

Param featureAccessHandle:

[in] A special handle that can be used for accessing features; the handle is only valid during the call of the function.

Param userContext:

[in] The value the user passed to VmbChunkDataAccess.


An error to be returned from VmbChunkDataAccess in the absence of other errors; A custom exit code >= VmbErrorCustom can be returned to indicate a failure via VmbChunkDataAccess return code

Feature Invalidation

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureInvalidationRegister (VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbInvalidationCallback callback, void *userContext)

Register a VmbInvalidationCallback callback for feature invalidation signaling.

Any feature change, either of its value or of its access state, may be tracked by registering an invalidation callback. Registering multiple callbacks for one feature invalidation event is possible because only the combination of handle, name, and callback is used as key. If the same combination of handle, name, and callback is registered a second time, the callback remains registered and the context is overwritten with userContext.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that emits events

  • name[in] Name of the event

  • callback[in] Callback to be run when invalidation occurs

  • userContext[in] User context passed to function

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name or callback are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – No feature with name was found for the module associated with handle

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature name is not implemented

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFeatureInvalidationUnregister (VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, VmbInvalidationCallback callback)

Unregister a previously registered feature invalidation callback.

Since multiple callbacks may be registered for a feature invalidation event, a combination of handle, name, and callback is needed for unregistering, too.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that emits events

  • name[in] Name of the event

  • callback[in] Callback to be removed

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If name or callback are null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – No feature with name was found for the module associated with handle or there was no listener to unregister

  • VmbErrorNotImplemented – The feature name is not implemented

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

void(VMB_CALL * VmbInvalidationCallback )(const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, void *userContext)

Invalidation callback type for a function that gets called in a separate thread and has been registered with VmbFeatureInvalidationRegister().

While the callback is run, all feature data is atomic. After the callback finishes, the feature data may be updated with new values.

Do not spend too much time in this thread; it prevents the feature values from being updated from any other thread or the lower-level drivers.

Param handle:

[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

Param name:

[in] Name of the feature

Param userContext:

[in] Pointer to the user context, see VmbFeatureInvalidationRegister

Image preparation and acquisition

struct VmbFrame

Frame delivered by the camera.


void *buffer

Comprises image and potentially chunk data.

VmbUint32_t bufferSize

The size of the data buffer.

void *context[4]

4 void pointers that can be employed by the user (e.g. for storing handles)


VmbFrameStatus_t receiveStatus

The resulting status of the receive operation.

VmbUint64_t frameID

Unique ID of this frame in this stream.

VmbUint64_t timestamp

The timestamp set by the camera.

VmbUint8_t *imageData

The start of the image data, if present, or null.

VmbFrameFlags_t receiveFlags

Flags indicating which additional frame information is available.

VmbPixelFormat_t pixelFormat

Pixel format of the image.

VmbImageDimension_t width

Width of an image.

VmbImageDimension_t height

Height of an image.

VmbImageDimension_t offsetX

Horizontal offset of an image.

VmbImageDimension_t offsetY

Vertical offset of an image.

VmbPayloadType_t payloadType

The type of payload.

VmbBool_t chunkDataPresent

True if the transport layer reported chunk data to be present in the buffer.

typedef struct VmbFrame VmbFrame_t
IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbPayloadSizeGet (VmbHandle_t handle, VmbUint32_t *payloadSize)

Get the necessary payload size for buffer allocation.

Returns the payload size necessary for buffer allocation as queried from the Camera. If the stream module provides a PayloadSize feature, this value will be returned instead. If a camera handle is passed, the payload size refers to the stream with index 0.

  • handle[in] Camera or stream handle

  • payloadSize[out] Payload Size

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorBadParameterpayloadSize is null


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFrameAnnounce (VmbHandle_t handle, const VmbFrame_t *frame, VmbUint32_t sizeofFrame)

Announce frames to the API that may be queued for frame capturing later.

Allows some preparation for frames like DMA preparation depending on the transport layer. The order in which the frames are announced is not taken into consideration by the API. If frame.buffer is null, the allocation is done by the transport layer. The application has to ensure that the frames are also revoked by calling VmbFrameRevoke() or VmbFrameRevokeAll() when cleaning up.

  • handle[in] Camera or stream handle

  • frame[in] Frame buffer to announce

  • sizeofFrame[in] Size of the frame structure

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorStructSize – The given struct size is not valid for this version of the API

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a frame callback or a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given camera or stream handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorBadParameterframe is null

  • VmbErrorAlready – The frame has already been announced

  • VmbErrorBusy – The underlying transport layer does not support announcing frames during acquisition

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The given buffer size is invalid (usually 0)


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFrameRevoke (VmbHandle_t handle, const VmbFrame_t *frame)

Revoke a frame from the API.

The referenced frame is removed from the pool of frames for capturing images.

  • handle[in] Handle for a camera or stream

  • frame[in] Frame buffer to be removed from the list of announced frames

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a frame callback or a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – The given frame pointer is not valid

  • VmbErrorBusy – The underlying transport layer does not support revoking frames during acquisition

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The given frame could not be found for the stream

  • VmbErrorInUse – The frame is currently still in use (e.g. in a running frame callback)


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbFrameRevokeAll (VmbHandle_t handle)

Revoke all frames assigned to a certain stream or camera.

In case of an failure some of the frames may have been revoked. To prevent this it is recommended to call VmbCaptureQueueFlush for the same handle before invoking this function.

  • handle[in] Handle for a stream or camera

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a frame callback or a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandlehandle is not valid

  • VmbErrorInUse – One of the frames of the stream is still in use


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCaptureStart (VmbHandle_t handle)

Prepare the API for incoming frames.

  • handle[in] Handle for a camera or a stream

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a frame callback or a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid; this includes the camera no longer being open

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorMoreData – The buffer size of the announced frames is insufficient

  • VmbErrorInsufficientBufferCount – The operation requires more buffers to be announced; see the StreamAnnounceBufferMinimum stream feature

  • VmbErrorAlready – Capturing was already started


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCaptureEnd (VmbHandle_t handle)

Stop the API from being able to receive frames.

Consequences of VmbCaptureEnd(): The frame callback will not be called anymore


This function waits for the completion of the last callback for the current capture. If the callback does not return in finite time, this function may not return in finite time either.

  • handle[in] Handle for a stream or camera

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a frame callback or a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandlehandle is not valid


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCaptureFrameQueue (VmbHandle_t handle, const VmbFrame_t *frame, VmbFrameCallback callback)

Queue frames that may be filled during frame capturing.

The given frame is put into a queue that will be filled sequentially. The order in which the frames are filled is determined by the order in which they are queued. Any frames passed to this function must first be announced with VmbFrameAnnounce().


callback should to return in finite time. Otherwise VmbCaptureEnd and operations resulting in the stream being closed may not return.

  • handle[in] Handle of a camera or stream

  • frame[in] Pointer to an already announced frame

  • callback[in] Callback to be run when the frame is complete. Null is OK.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – The call was successful

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If frame is null

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – No stream related to handle could be found

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInternalFault – The buffer or bufferSize members of frame have been set to null or zero respectively

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The frame is not a frame announced for the given stream

  • VmbErrorAlready – The frame is currently queued


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCaptureFrameWait (const VmbHandle_t handle, const VmbFrame_t *frame, VmbUint32_t timeout)

Wait for a queued frame to be filled (or dequeued).

The frame needs to be queued and not filled for the function to complete successfully.

If a camera handle is passed, the first stream of the camera is used.

  • handle[in] Handle of a camera or stream

  • frame[in] Pointer to an already announced and queued frame

  • timeout[in] Timeout (in milliseconds)

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If frame or the buffer of frame are null or the the buffer size of frame is 0

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – No stream related to handle could be found

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The frame is not one currently queued for the stream

  • VmbErrorAlready – The frame has already been dequeued or VmbCaptureFrameWait has been called already for this frame

  • VmbErrorInUse – If the frame was queued with a frame callback

  • VmbErrorTimeout – Call timed out

  • VmbErrorIncomplete – Capture is not active when the function is called


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbCaptureQueueFlush (VmbHandle_t handle)

Flush the capture queue.

Control of all the currently queued frames will be returned to the user, leaving no frames in the capture queue. After this call, no frame notification will occur until frames are queued again

Frames need to be revoked separately, if desired.

This function can only succeeds, if no capture is currently active. If VmbCaptureStart has been called for the stream, but no successful call to VmbCaptureEnd happened, the function fails with error code VmbErrorInUse.

  • handle[in] The handle of the camera or stream to flush.

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – No stream related to handle could be found.

  • VmbErrorInUse – There is currently an active capture


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Direct Access

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbMemoryRead (const VmbHandle_t handle, VmbUint64_t address, VmbUint32_t bufferSize, char *dataBuffer, VmbUint32_t *sizeComplete)

Read an array of bytes.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that allows memory access

  • address[in] Address to be used for this read operation

  • bufferSize[in] Size of the data buffer to read

  • dataBuffer[out] Buffer to be filled

  • sizeComplete[out] Size of the data actually read

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbMemoryWrite (const VmbHandle_t handle, VmbUint64_t address, VmbUint32_t bufferSize, const char *dataBuffer, VmbUint32_t *sizeComplete)

Write an array of bytes.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that allows memory access

  • address[in] Address to be used for this read operation

  • bufferSize[in] Size of the data buffer to write

  • dataBuffer[in] Data to write

  • sizeComplete[out] Number of bytes successfully written; if an error occurs this is less than bufferSize

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorMoreData – Not all data were written; see sizeComplete value for the number of bytes written


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Load & Save Settings

struct VmbFeaturePersistSettings

Parameters determining the operation mode of VmbSettingsSave and VmbSettingsLoad.


VmbFeaturePersist_t persistType

Type of features that are to be saved.

VmbModulePersistFlags_t modulePersistFlags

Flags specifying the modules to persist/load.

VmbUint32_t maxIterations

Number of iterations when loading settings.

VmbLogLevel_t loggingLevel

Determines level of detail for load/save settings logging.

typedef struct VmbFeaturePersistSettings VmbFeaturePersistSettings_t
IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbSettingsSave (VmbHandle_t handle, const VmbFilePathChar_t *filePath, const VmbFeaturePersistSettings_t *settings, VmbUint32_t sizeofSettings)

Write the current features related to a module to a xml file.

Camera must be opened beforehand and function needs corresponding handle. With given filename parameter path and name of XML file can be determined. Additionally behaviour of function can be set with providing ‘persistent struct’.

  • handle[in] Handle for an entity that allows register access

  • filePath[in] The path to the file to save the settings to; relative paths are relative to the current working directory

  • settings[in] Settings struct; if null the default settings are used (persist features except LUT for the remote device, maximum 5 iterations, logging only errors)

  • sizeofSettings[in] Size of settings struct

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If filePath is or the settings struct is invalid

  • VmbErrorStructSize – If sizeofSettings the struct size does not match the size of the struct expected by the API

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The provided handle is insufficient to identify all the modules that should be saved

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorIO – There was an issue writing the file.


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

IMEXPORTC VmbError_t VMB_CALL VmbSettingsLoad (VmbHandle_t handle, const VmbFilePathChar_t *filePath, const VmbFeaturePersistSettings_t *settings, VmbUint32_t sizeofSettings)

Load all feature values from xml file to device-related modules.

The modules must be opened beforehand. If the handle is non-null it must be a valid handle other than the Vmb API handle. Additionally behaviour of function can be set with providing settings . Note that even in case of an failure some or all of the features may have been set for some of the modules.

The error code VmbErrorRetriesExceeded only indicates that the number of retries was insufficient to restore the features. Even if the features could not be restored for one of the modules, restoring the features is not aborted but the process continues for other modules, if present.

  • handle[in] Handle related to the modules to write the values to; may be null to indicate that modules should be identified based on the information provided in the input file

  • filePath[in] The path to the file to load the settings from; relative paths are relative to the current working directory

  • settings[in] Settings struct; pass null to use the default settings. If the maxIterations field is 0, the number of iterations is determined by the value loaded from the xml file

  • sizeofSettings[in] Size of the settings struct

Return values:
  • VmbErrorSuccess – If no error

  • VmbErrorApiNotStartedVmbStartup() was not called before the current command

  • VmbErrorInvalidCall – If called from a chunk access callback

  • VmbErrorStructSize – If sizeofSettings the struct size does not match the size of the struct expected by the API

  • VmbErrorWrongTypehandle is neither null nor a transport layer, interface, local device, remote device or stream handle

  • VmbErrorBadHandle – The given handle is not valid

  • VmbErrorAmbiguous – The modules to restore the settings for cannot be uniquely identified based on the information available

  • VmbErrorNotFound – The provided handle is insufficient to identify all the modules that should be restored

  • VmbErrorRetriesExceeded – Some or all of the features could not be restored with the max iterations specified

  • VmbErrorInvalidAccess – Operation is invalid with the current access mode

  • VmbErrorBadParameter – If filePath is null or the settings struct is invalid

  • VmbErrorIO – There was an issue with reading the file.


An error code indicating success or the type of error that occurred.

Common Types & Constants

Main header file for the common types of the APIs.

This file describes all necessary definitions for types used within the Vmb APIs. These type definitions are designed to be portable from other languages and other operating systems.

Basic Types


macro for converting a c string literal into a system dependent string literal

Adds L as prefix on Windows and is replaced by the unmodified value on other operating systems.

const VmbFilePathChar_t* path = VMB_FILE_PATH_LITERAL("./some/path/tl.cti");
enum VmbBoolVal

enum for bool values.


enumerator VmbBoolTrue
enumerator VmbBoolFalse
typedef signed char VmbInt8_t

8-bit signed integer.

typedef unsigned char VmbUint8_t

8-bit unsigned integer.

typedef short VmbInt16_t

16-bit signed integer.

typedef unsigned short VmbUint16_t

16-bit unsigned integer.

typedef int VmbInt32_t

32-bit signed integer.

typedef unsigned int VmbUint32_t

32-bit unsigned integer.

typedef long long VmbInt64_t

64-bit signed integer.

typedef unsigned long long VmbUint64_t

64-bit unsigned integer.

typedef void *VmbHandle_t

Handle, e.g. for a camera.

typedef char VmbBool_t

Boolean type (equivalent to char).

For values see VmbBoolVal

typedef enum VmbBoolVal VmbBoolVal

enum for bool values.

typedef unsigned char VmbUchar_t

char type.

typedef char VmbFilePathChar_t

Character type used for file paths

Error Codes

enum VmbErrorType

Error codes, returned by most functions.


enumerator VmbErrorSuccess

No error.

enumerator VmbErrorInternalFault

Unexpected fault in VmbC or driver.

enumerator VmbErrorApiNotStarted

VmbStartup() was not called before the current command

enumerator VmbErrorNotFound

The designated instance (camera, feature etc.) cannot be found.

enumerator VmbErrorBadHandle

The given handle is not valid.

enumerator VmbErrorDeviceNotOpen

Device was not opened for usage.

enumerator VmbErrorInvalidAccess

Operation is invalid with the current access mode.

enumerator VmbErrorBadParameter

One of the parameters is invalid (usually an illegal pointer)

enumerator VmbErrorStructSize

The given struct size is not valid for this version of the API.

enumerator VmbErrorMoreData

More data available in a string/list than space is provided.

enumerator VmbErrorWrongType

Wrong feature type for this access function.

enumerator VmbErrorInvalidValue

The value is not valid; either out of bounds or not an increment of the minimum.

enumerator VmbErrorTimeout

Timeout during wait.

enumerator VmbErrorOther

Other error.

enumerator VmbErrorResources

Resources not available (e.g. memory)

enumerator VmbErrorInvalidCall

Call is invalid in the current context (e.g. callback)

enumerator VmbErrorNoTL

No transport layers are found.

enumerator VmbErrorNotImplemented

API feature is not implemented.

enumerator VmbErrorNotSupported

API feature is not supported.

enumerator VmbErrorIncomplete

The current operation was not completed (e.g. a multiple registers read or write)

enumerator VmbErrorIO

Low level IO error in transport layer.

enumerator VmbErrorValidValueSetNotPresent

The valid value set could not be retrieved, since the feature does not provide this property.

enumerator VmbErrorGenTLUnspecified

Unspecified GenTL runtime error.

enumerator VmbErrorUnspecified

Unspecified runtime error.

enumerator VmbErrorBusy

The responsible module/entity is busy executing actions.

enumerator VmbErrorNoData

The function has no data to work on.

enumerator VmbErrorParsingChunkData

An error occurred parsing a buffer containing chunk data.

enumerator VmbErrorInUse

Something is already in use.

enumerator VmbErrorUnknown

Error condition unknown.

enumerator VmbErrorXml

Error parsing XML.

enumerator VmbErrorNotAvailable

Something is not available.

enumerator VmbErrorNotInitialized

Something is not initialized.

enumerator VmbErrorInvalidAddress

The given address is out of range or invalid for internal reasons.

enumerator VmbErrorAlready

Something has already been done.

enumerator VmbErrorNoChunkData

A frame expected to contain chunk data does not contain chunk data.

enumerator VmbErrorUserCallbackException

A callback provided by the user threw an exception.

enumerator VmbErrorFeaturesUnavailable

The XML for the module is currently not loaded; the module could be in the wrong state or the XML could not be retrieved or could not be parsed properly.

enumerator VmbErrorTLNotFound

A required transport layer could not be found or loaded.

enumerator VmbErrorAmbiguous

An entity cannot be uniquely identified based on the information provided.

enumerator VmbErrorRetriesExceeded

Something could not be accomplished with a given number of retries.

enumerator VmbErrorInsufficientBufferCount

The operation requires more buffers.

enumerator VmbErrorCustom

The minimum error code to use for user defined error codes to avoid conflict with existing error codes.

typedef enum VmbErrorType VmbErrorType

Error codes, returned by most functions.

typedef VmbInt32_t VmbError_t

Type for an error returned by API methods; for values see VmbErrorType.


typedef struct VmbVersionInfo VmbVersionInfo_t

Version information.

Pixel information

enum VmbPixelType

Indicates if pixel is monochrome or RGB.


enumerator VmbPixelMono

Monochrome pixel.

enumerator VmbPixelColor

Pixel bearing color information.

enum VmbPixelOccupyType

Indicates number of bits for a pixel. Needed for building values of VmbPixelFormatType.


enumerator VmbPixelOccupy8Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 8 bits.

enumerator VmbPixelOccupy10Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 10 bits.

enumerator VmbPixelOccupy12Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 12 bits.

enumerator VmbPixelOccupy14Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 14 bits.

enumerator VmbPixelOccupy16Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 16 bits.

enumerator VmbPixelOccupy24Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 24 bits.

enumerator VmbPixelOccupy32Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 32 bits.

enumerator VmbPixelOccupy48Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 48 bits.

enumerator VmbPixelOccupy64Bit

Pixel effectively occupies 64 bits.

enum VmbPixelFormatType

Pixel format types. As far as possible, the Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) has been followed, allowing a few deviations. If data spans more than one byte, it is always LSB aligned, except if stated differently.


enumerator VmbPixelFormatMono8

Monochrome, 8 bits (PFNC: Mono8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatMono10

Monochrome, 10 bits in 16 bits (PFNC: Mono10)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatMono10p

Monochrome, 10 bits continuously packed (4x10 bits in 40 bits) (PFNC: Mono10p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatMono12

Monochrome, 12 bits in 16 bits (PFNC: Mono12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatMono12Packed

Monochrome, 2x12 bits in 24 bits (GEV:Mono12Packed)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatMono12p

Monochrome, 2x12 bits in 24 bits (PFNC: MonoPacked)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatMono14

Monochrome, 14 bits in 16 bits (PFNC: Mono14)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatMono16

Monochrome, 16 bits (PFNC: Mono16)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGR8

Bayer-color, 8 bits, starting with GR line (PFNC: BayerGR8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerRG8

Bayer-color, 8 bits, starting with RG line (PFNC: BayerRG8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGB8

Bayer-color, 8 bits, starting with GB line (PFNC: BayerGB8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerBG8

Bayer-color, 8 bits, starting with BG line (PFNC: BayerBG8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGR10

Bayer-color, 10 bits in 16 bits, starting with GR line (PFNC: BayerGR10)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerRG10

Bayer-color, 10 bits in 16 bits, starting with RG line (PFNC: BayerRG10)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGB10

Bayer-color, 10 bits in 16 bits, starting with GB line (PFNC: BayerGB10)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerBG10

Bayer-color, 10 bits in 16 bits, starting with BG line (PFNC: BayerBG10)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGR12

Bayer-color, 12 bits in 16 bits, starting with GR line (PFNC: BayerGR12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerRG12

Bayer-color, 12 bits in 16 bits, starting with RG line (PFNC: BayerRG12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGB12

Bayer-color, 12 bits in 16 bits, starting with GB line (PFNC: BayerGB12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerBG12

Bayer-color, 12 bits in 16 bits, starting with BG line (PFNC: BayerBG12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGR12Packed

Bayer-color, 2x12 bits in 24 bits, starting with GR line (GEV:BayerGR12Packed)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerRG12Packed

Bayer-color, 2x12 bits in 24 bits, starting with RG line (GEV:BayerRG12Packed)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGB12Packed

Bayer-color, 2x12 bits in 24 bits, starting with GB line (GEV:BayerGB12Packed)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerBG12Packed

Bayer-color, 2x12 bits in 24 bits, starting with BG line (GEV:BayerBG12Packed)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGR10p

Bayer-color, 10 bits continuously packed, starting with GR line (PFNC: BayerGR10p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerRG10p

Bayer-color, 10 bits continuously packed, starting with RG line (PFNC: BayerRG10p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGB10p

Bayer-color, 10 bits continuously packed, starting with GB line (PFNC: BayerGB10p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerBG10p

Bayer-color, 10 bits continuously packed, starting with BG line (PFNC: BayerBG10p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGR12p

Bayer-color, 12 bits continuously packed, starting with GR line (PFNC: BayerGR12p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerRG12p

Bayer-color, 12 bits continuously packed, starting with RG line (PFNC: BayerRG12p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGB12p

Bayer-color, 12 bits continuously packed, starting with GB line (PFNC: BayerGB12p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerBG12p

Bayer-color, 12 bits continuously packed, starting with BG line (PFNC: BayerBG12p)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGR16

Bayer-color, 16 bits, starting with GR line (PFNC: BayerGR16)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerRG16

Bayer-color, 16 bits, starting with RG line (PFNC: BayerRG16)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerGB16

Bayer-color, 16 bits, starting with GB line (PFNC: BayerGB16)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBayerBG16

Bayer-color, 16 bits, starting with BG line (PFNC: BayerBG16)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgb8

RGB, 8 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgr8

BGR, 8 bits x 3 (PFNC: BGR8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgb10

RGB, 12 bits in 16 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgr10

RGB, 12 bits in 16 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgb12

RGB, 12 bits in 16 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgr12

RGB, 12 bits in 16 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgb14

RGB, 14 bits in 16 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgr14

RGB, 14 bits in 16 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB12)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgb16

RGB, 16 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB16)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgr16

RGB, 16 bits x 3 (PFNC: RGB16)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatArgb8

ARGB, 8 bits x 4 (PFNC: RGBa8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgba8

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgra8

BGRA, 8 bits x 4 (PFNC: BGRa8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgba10

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgra10

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgba12

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgra12

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgba14

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgra14

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatRgba16

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatBgra16

RGBA, 8 bits x 4, legacy name.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYuv411

YUV 4:1:1 with 8 bits (PFNC: YUV411_8_UYYVYY, GEV:YUV411Packed)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYuv422

YUV 4:2:2 with 8 bits (PFNC: YUV422_8_UYVY, GEV:YUV422Packed)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYuv444

YUV 4:4:4 with 8 bits (PFNC: YUV8_UYV, GEV:YUV444Packed)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYuv422_8

YUV 4:2:2 with 8 bits Channel order YUYV (PFNC: YUV422_8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr8_CbYCr

YCbCr 4:4:4 with 8 bits (PFNC: YCbCr8_CbYCr) - identical to VmbPixelFormatYuv444.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr422_8

YCbCr 4:2:2 8-bit YCbYCr (PFNC: YCbCr422_8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr411_8_CbYYCrYY

YCbCr 4:1:1 with 8 bits (PFNC: YCbCr411_8_CbYYCrYY) - identical to VmbPixelFormatYuv411.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr601_8_CbYCr

YCbCr601 4:4:4 8-bit CbYCrt (PFNC: YCbCr601_8_CbYCr)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr601_422_8

YCbCr601 4:2:2 8-bit YCbYCr (PFNC: YCbCr601_422_8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr601_411_8_CbYYCrYY

YCbCr601 4:1:1 8-bit CbYYCrYY (PFNC: YCbCr601_411_8_CbYYCrYY)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr709_8_CbYCr

YCbCr709 4:4:4 8-bit CbYCr (PFNC: YCbCr709_8_CbYCr)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr709_422_8

YCbCr709 4:2:2 8-bit YCbYCr (PFNC: YCbCr709_422_8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr709_411_8_CbYYCrYY

YCbCr709 4:1:1 8-bit CbYYCrYY (PFNC: YCbCr709_411_8_CbYYCrYY)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr422_8_CbYCrY

YCbCr 4:2:2 with 8 bits (PFNC: YCbCr422_8_CbYCrY) - identical to VmbPixelFormatYuv422.

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr601_422_8_CbYCrY

YCbCr601 4:2:2 8-bit CbYCrY (PFNC: YCbCr601_422_8_CbYCrY)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr709_422_8_CbYCrY

YCbCr709 4:2:2 8-bit CbYCrY (PFNC: YCbCr709_422_8_CbYCrY)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr411_8

YCbCr 4:1:1 8-bit YYCbYYCr (PFNC: YCbCr411_8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatYCbCr8

YCbCr 4:4:4 8-bit YCbCr (PFNC: YCbCr8)

enumerator VmbPixelFormatLast
typedef enum VmbPixelType VmbPixelType

Indicates if pixel is monochrome or RGB.

typedef enum VmbPixelOccupyType VmbPixelOccupyType

Indicates number of bits for a pixel. Needed for building values of VmbPixelFormatType.

typedef enum VmbPixelFormatType VmbPixelFormatType

Pixel format types. As far as possible, the Pixel Format Naming Convention (PFNC) has been followed, allowing a few deviations. If data spans more than one byte, it is always LSB aligned, except if stated differently.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbPixelFormat_t

Type for the pixel format; for values see VmbPixelFormatType.

struct VmbVersionInfo
#include <VmbCommonTypes.h>

Version information.


VmbUint32_t major

Major version number.

VmbUint32_t minor

Minor version number.

VmbUint32_t patch

Patch version number.

File containing constants used in the Vmb C API.



the character used to separate file paths in the parameter of VmbStartup


the string used to separate file paths in the parameter of VmbStartup


The C string identifying the namespace of features not defined in the SFNC standard.


The C string identifying the namespace of features defined in the SFNC standard.

Struct definitions for the VmbC API.

Transport layer

enum VmbTransportLayerType

Camera or transport layer type (for instance U3V or GEV).


enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeUnknown

Interface is not known to this version of the API.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeGEV

GigE Vision.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeCL

Camera Link.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeIIDC

IIDC 1394.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeUVC

USB video class.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeCXP


enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeCLHS

Camera Link HS.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeU3V

USB3 Vision Standard.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeEthernet

Generic Ethernet.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypePCI


enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeCustom

Non standard.

enumerator VmbTransportLayerTypeMixed

Mixed (transport layer only)

typedef enum VmbTransportLayerType VmbTransportLayerType

Camera or transport layer type (for instance U3V or GEV).

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbTransportLayerType_t

Type for an Interface; for values see VmbTransportLayerType.

typedef struct VmbTransportLayerInfo VmbTransportLayerInfo_t

Transport layer information.

Holds read-only information about a transport layer.


typedef struct VmbInterfaceInfo VmbInterfaceInfo_t

Interface information.

Holds read-only information about an interface.


enum VmbAccessModeType

Access mode for cameras.

Used in VmbCameraInfo_t as flags, so multiple modes can be announced, while in VmbCameraOpen(), no combination must be used.


enumerator VmbAccessModeNone

No access.

enumerator VmbAccessModeFull

Read and write access.

enumerator VmbAccessModeRead

Read-only access.

enumerator VmbAccessModeUnknown

Access type unknown.

enumerator VmbAccessModeExclusive

Read and write access without permitting access for other consumers.

typedef enum VmbAccessModeType VmbAccessModeType

Access mode for cameras.

Used in VmbCameraInfo_t as flags, so multiple modes can be announced, while in VmbCameraOpen(), no combination must be used.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbAccessMode_t

Type for an AccessMode; for values see VmbAccessModeType.

typedef struct VmbCameraInfo VmbCameraInfo_t

Camera information.

Holds read-only information about a camera.


enum VmbFeatureDataType

Supported feature data types.


enumerator VmbFeatureDataUnknown

Unknown feature type.

enumerator VmbFeatureDataInt

64-bit integer feature

enumerator VmbFeatureDataFloat

64-bit floating point feature

enumerator VmbFeatureDataEnum

Enumeration feature.

enumerator VmbFeatureDataString

String feature.

enumerator VmbFeatureDataBool

Boolean feature.

enumerator VmbFeatureDataCommand

Command feature.

enumerator VmbFeatureDataRaw

Raw (direct register access) feature.

enumerator VmbFeatureDataNone

Feature with no data.

enum VmbFeatureVisibilityType

Feature visibility.


enumerator VmbFeatureVisibilityUnknown

Feature visibility is not known.

enumerator VmbFeatureVisibilityBeginner

Feature is visible in feature list (beginner level)

enumerator VmbFeatureVisibilityExpert

Feature is visible in feature list (expert level)

enumerator VmbFeatureVisibilityGuru

Feature is visible in feature list (guru level)

enumerator VmbFeatureVisibilityInvisible

Feature is visible in the feature list, but should be hidden in GUI applications.

enum VmbFeatureFlagsType

Feature flags.


enumerator VmbFeatureFlagsNone

No additional information is provided.

enumerator VmbFeatureFlagsRead

Static info about read access. Current status depends on access mode, check with VmbFeatureAccessQuery()

enumerator VmbFeatureFlagsWrite

Static info about write access. Current status depends on access mode, check with VmbFeatureAccessQuery()

enumerator VmbFeatureFlagsVolatile

Value may change at any time.

enumerator VmbFeatureFlagsModifyWrite

Value may change after a write.

typedef enum VmbFeatureDataType VmbFeatureDataType

Supported feature data types.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbFeatureData_t

Data type for a Feature; for values see VmbFeatureDataType.

typedef enum VmbFeatureVisibilityType VmbFeatureVisibilityType

Feature visibility.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbFeatureVisibility_t

Type for Feature visibility; for values see VmbFeatureVisibilityType.

typedef enum VmbFeatureFlagsType VmbFeatureFlagsType

Feature flags.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbFeatureFlags_t

Type for Feature flags; for values see VmbFeatureFlagsType.

typedef struct VmbFeatureInfo VmbFeatureInfo_t

Feature information.

Holds read-only information about a feature.

typedef struct VmbFeatureEnumEntry VmbFeatureEnumEntry_t

Info about possible entries of an enumeration feature.


enum VmbFrameStatusType

Status of a frame transfer.


enumerator VmbFrameStatusComplete

Frame has been completed without errors.

enumerator VmbFrameStatusIncomplete

Frame could not be filled to the end.

enumerator VmbFrameStatusTooSmall

Frame buffer was too small.

enumerator VmbFrameStatusInvalid

Frame buffer was invalid.

enum VmbFrameFlagsType

Frame flags.


enumerator VmbFrameFlagsNone

No additional information is provided.

enumerator VmbFrameFlagsDimension

VmbFrame_t::width and VmbFrame_t::height are provided.

enumerator VmbFrameFlagsOffset

VmbFrame_t::offsetX and VmbFrame_t::offsetY are provided (ROI)

enumerator VmbFrameFlagsFrameID

VmbFrame_t::frameID is provided.

enumerator VmbFrameFlagsTimestamp

VmbFrame_t::timestamp is provided.

enumerator VmbFrameFlagsImageData

VmbFrame_t::imageData is provided.

enumerator VmbFrameFlagsPayloadType

VmbFrame_t::payloadType is provided.

enumerator VmbFrameFlagsChunkDataPresent

VmbFrame_t::chunkDataPresent is set based on info provided by the transport layer.

enum VmbPayloadType

Frame payload type.


enumerator VmbPayloadTypeUnknown

Unknown payload type.

enumerator VmbPayloadTypeImage

image data

enumerator VmbPayloadTypeRaw

raw data

enumerator VmbPayloadTypeFile

file data

enumerator VmbPayloadTypeJPEG

JPEG data as described in the GigEVision 2.0 specification.

enumerator VmbPayloadTypJPEG2000

JPEG 2000 data as described in the GigEVision 2.0 specification.

enumerator VmbPayloadTypeH264

H.264 data as described in the GigEVision 2.0 specification.

enumerator VmbPayloadTypeChunkOnly

Chunk data exclusively.

enumerator VmbPayloadTypeDeviceSpecific

Device specific data format.

enumerator VmbPayloadTypeGenDC

GenDC data.

typedef enum VmbFrameStatusType VmbFrameStatusType

Status of a frame transfer.

typedef VmbInt32_t VmbFrameStatus_t

Type for the frame status; for values see VmbFrameStatusType.

typedef enum VmbFrameFlagsType VmbFrameFlagsType

Frame flags.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbFrameFlags_t

Type for Frame flags; for values see VmbFrameFlagsType.

typedef enum VmbPayloadType VmbPayloadType

Frame payload type.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbPayloadType_t

Type representing the payload type of a frame. For values see VmbPayloadType.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbImageDimension_t

Type used to represent a dimension value, e.g. the image height.

typedef struct VmbFrame VmbFrame_t

Frame delivered by the camera.


enum VmbFeaturePersistType

Type of features that are to be saved (persisted) to the XML file when using VmbSettingsSave.


enumerator VmbFeaturePersistAll

Save all features to XML, including look-up tables (if possible)

enumerator VmbFeaturePersistStreamable

Save only features marked as streamable, excluding look-up tables.

enumerator VmbFeaturePersistNoLUT

Save all features except look-up tables (default)

enum VmbModulePersistFlagsType

Parameters determining the operation mode of VmbSettingsSave and VmbSettingsLoad.


enumerator VmbModulePersistFlagsNone

Persist/Load features for no module.

enumerator VmbModulePersistFlagsTransportLayer

Persist/Load the transport layer features.

enumerator VmbModulePersistFlagsInterface

Persist/Load the interface features.

enumerator VmbModulePersistFlagsRemoteDevice

Persist/Load the remote device features.

enumerator VmbModulePersistFlagsLocalDevice

Persist/Load the local device features.

enumerator VmbModulePersistFlagsStreams

Persist/Load the features of stream modules.

enumerator VmbModulePersistFlagsAll

Persist/Load features for all modules.

enum VmbLogLevel

A level to use for logging.


enumerator VmbLogLevelNone

Nothing is logged regardless of the severity of the issue.

enumerator VmbLogLevelError

Only errors are logged.

enumerator VmbLogLevelDebug

Only error and debug messages are logged.

enumerator VmbLogLevelWarn

Only error, debug and warn messages are logged.

enumerator VmbLogLevelTrace

all messages are logged

enumerator VmbLogLevelAll

all messages are logged

typedef enum VmbFeaturePersistType VmbFeaturePersistType

Type of features that are to be saved (persisted) to the XML file when using VmbSettingsSave.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbFeaturePersist_t

Type for feature persistence; for values see VmbFeaturePersistType.

typedef enum VmbModulePersistFlagsType VmbModulePersistFlagsType

Parameters determining the operation mode of VmbSettingsSave and VmbSettingsLoad.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbModulePersistFlags_t

Type for module persist flags; for values see VmbModulePersistFlagsType.

Use a combination of VmbModulePersistFlagsType constants

typedef enum VmbLogLevel VmbLogLevel

A level to use for logging.

typedef VmbUint32_t VmbLogLevel_t

The type used for storing the log level.

Use a constant from VmbLogLevel

typedef struct VmbFeaturePersistSettings VmbFeaturePersistSettings_t

Parameters determining the operation mode of VmbSettingsSave and VmbSettingsLoad.


void(VMB_CALL * VmbInvalidationCallback )(const VmbHandle_t handle, const char *name, void *userContext)

Invalidation callback type for a function that gets called in a separate thread and has been registered with VmbFeatureInvalidationRegister().

While the callback is run, all feature data is atomic. After the callback finishes, the feature data may be updated with new values.

Do not spend too much time in this thread; it prevents the feature values from being updated from any other thread or the lower-level drivers.

Param handle:

[in] Handle for an entity that exposes features

Param name:

[in] Name of the feature

Param userContext:

[in] Pointer to the user context, see VmbFeatureInvalidationRegister

void(VMB_CALL * VmbFrameCallback )(const VmbHandle_t cameraHandle, const VmbHandle_t streamHandle, VmbFrame_t *frame)

Frame Callback type for a function that gets called in a separate thread if a frame has been queued with VmbCaptureFrameQueue.


Any operations closing the stream including VmbShutdown and VmbCameraClose in addition to VmbCaptureEnd block until any currently active callbacks return. If the callback does not return in finite time, the program may not return.

Param cameraHandle:

[in] Handle of the camera the frame belongs to

Param streamHandle:

[in] Handle of the stream the frame belongs to

Param frame:

[in] The received frame

VmbError_t(VMB_CALL * VmbChunkAccessCallback )(VmbHandle_t featureAccessHandle, void *userContext)

Function pointer type to access chunk data.

This function should complete as quickly as possible, since it blocks other updates on the remote device.

This function should not throw exceptions, even if VmbC is used from C++. Any exception thrown will only result in an error code indicating that an exception was thrown.

Param featureAccessHandle:

[in] A special handle that can be used for accessing features; the handle is only valid during the call of the function.

Param userContext:

[in] The value the user passed to VmbChunkDataAccess.


An error to be returned from VmbChunkDataAccess in the absence of other errors; A custom exit code >= VmbErrorCustom can be returned to indicate a failure via VmbChunkDataAccess return code

struct VmbTransportLayerInfo
#include <VmbCTypeDefinitions.h>

Transport layer information.

Holds read-only information about a transport layer.


const char *transportLayerIdString

Unique id of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerName

Name of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerModelName

Model name of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerVendor

Vendor of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerVersion

Version of the transport layer.

const char *transportLayerPath

Full path of the transport layer.

VmbHandle_t transportLayerHandle

Handle of the transport layer for feature access.

VmbTransportLayerType_t transportLayerType

The type of the transport layer.

struct VmbInterfaceInfo
#include <VmbCTypeDefinitions.h>

Interface information.

Holds read-only information about an interface.


const char *interfaceIdString

Identifier of the interface.

const char *interfaceName

Interface name, given by the transport layer.

VmbHandle_t interfaceHandle

Handle of the interface for feature access.

VmbHandle_t transportLayerHandle

Handle of the related transport layer for feature access.

VmbTransportLayerType_t interfaceType

The technology of the interface.

struct VmbCameraInfo
#include <VmbCTypeDefinitions.h>

Camera information.

Holds read-only information about a camera.


const char *cameraIdString

Identifier of the camera.

const char *cameraIdExtended

globally unique identifier for the camera

const char *cameraName

The display name of the camera.

const char *modelName

Model name.

const char *serialString

Serial number.

VmbHandle_t transportLayerHandle

Handle of the related transport layer for feature access.

VmbHandle_t interfaceHandle

Handle of the related interface for feature access.

VmbHandle_t localDeviceHandle

Handle of the related GenTL local device. NULL if the camera is not opened.

VmbHandle_t const *streamHandles

Handles of the streams provided by the camera. NULL if the camera is not opened.

VmbUint32_t streamCount

Number of stream handles in the streamHandles array.

VmbAccessMode_t permittedAccess

Permitted access modes, see VmbAccessModeType.

struct VmbFeatureInfo
#include <VmbCTypeDefinitions.h>

Feature information.

Holds read-only information about a feature.


const char *name

Name used in the API.

const char *category

Category this feature can be found in.

const char *displayName

Feature name to be used in GUIs.

const char *tooltip

Short description, e.g. for a tooltip.

const char *description

Longer description.

const char *sfncNamespace

Namespace this feature resides in.

const char *unit

Measuring unit as given in the XML file.

const char *representation

Representation of a numeric feature.

VmbFeatureData_t featureDataType

Data type of this feature.

VmbFeatureFlags_t featureFlags

Access flags for this feature.

VmbUint32_t pollingTime

Predefined polling time for volatile features.

VmbFeatureVisibility_t visibility

GUI visibility.

VmbBool_t isStreamable

Indicates if a feature can be stored to / loaded from a file.

VmbBool_t hasSelectedFeatures

Indicates if the feature selects other features.

struct VmbFeatureEnumEntry
#include <VmbCTypeDefinitions.h>

Info about possible entries of an enumeration feature.


const char *name

Name used in the API.

const char *displayName

Enumeration entry name to be used in GUIs.

const char *tooltip

Short description, e.g. for a tooltip.

const char *description

Longer description.

VmbInt64_t intValue

Integer value of this enumeration entry.

const char *sfncNamespace

Namespace this feature resides in.

VmbFeatureVisibility_t visibility

GUI visibility.

struct VmbFrame
#include <VmbCTypeDefinitions.h>

Frame delivered by the camera.


void *buffer

Comprises image and potentially chunk data.

VmbUint32_t bufferSize

The size of the data buffer.

void *context[4]

4 void pointers that can be employed by the user (e.g. for storing handles)


VmbFrameStatus_t receiveStatus

The resulting status of the receive operation.

VmbUint64_t frameID

Unique ID of this frame in this stream.

VmbUint64_t timestamp

The timestamp set by the camera.

VmbUint8_t *imageData

The start of the image data, if present, or null.

VmbFrameFlags_t receiveFlags

Flags indicating which additional frame information is available.

VmbPixelFormat_t pixelFormat

Pixel format of the image.

VmbImageDimension_t width

Width of an image.

VmbImageDimension_t height

Height of an image.

VmbImageDimension_t offsetX

Horizontal offset of an image.

VmbImageDimension_t offsetY

Vertical offset of an image.

VmbPayloadType_t payloadType

The type of payload.

VmbBool_t chunkDataPresent

True if the transport layer reported chunk data to be present in the buffer.

struct VmbFeaturePersistSettings
#include <VmbCTypeDefinitions.h>

Parameters determining the operation mode of VmbSettingsSave and VmbSettingsLoad.


VmbFeaturePersist_t persistType

Type of features that are to be saved.

VmbModulePersistFlags_t modulePersistFlags

Flags specifying the modules to persist/load.

VmbUint32_t maxIterations

Number of iterations when loading settings.

VmbLogLevel_t loggingLevel

Determines level of detail for load/save settings logging.